Monday 16 May 2011

Day 2 (of many I hope)

Here I am, totally amazed that so many people have checked out my blog on Day 1 (in less than 24 hours since I set the blog up), not to mention the 3 followers I already have.  I guess the pressure is on me now to try and upload some images and make my blog look more "blog-like".  I know of people who blog daily and others that blog fortnightly...I need to find my own blog time, I'm thinking maybe a weekly blog...'cause I don't think my life is that exciting or busy enough for daily blogs, plus, I don't want to put my followers  So, in the next few days, after I've worked out how to upload things, I will commence my weekly (perhaps fortnightly) blogs.  I will try to put up a link to my flickr account so that you can look at the ATCs I've already created since 2009.  Thanks for visiting. ;-D


  1. Hi Alessandra, Wow, that was quick! Lovely to meet you at lunch the other day. I'm glad Sandra thought to contact you. Hope you enjoyed meeting everyone. Your "mended" ATC will be in the post tomorrow. (Very embarrassing! I hope no-one else's fell apart!) As far as "blog scheduling" goes, maybe you could do them on Wednesdays, if that suits you, and then you could upload to WOYWW which is a bit of fun!

  2. Thanks Roslyn. I will try to upload some photos and do a mini-blog later today.
